Dance Performance : Histoires Vraies by Cécile Loyer

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Date(s) - 27/06/2017
7:30 pm

Phoenix Market City


Histoires Vraies (True story) questions, above all, the origin of movement and its transmission.

After several visits to Chennai, South India, and her encounter with Bharatanatiyam, Cécile Loyer combines two highly different traditions and conceptions of body. For one tradition, the body is a receptacle of history, carrying forward traces; for the other, it is a ‘forgetter’ (Salman Rushdie). Histoires Vraies tries to reinvent dance based on these perspectives from two cultures.

On stage, two Indian dancers and two European dancers will testify and narrate their stories to shift, move and change roles… This chaos of movements that seems to come from everywhere and nowhere is strange and sometimes funny, and makes us feel our collective history. Through signs, poses and representations, can dance reveal different conceptions of history, conceptions that are less perceptible but more significant?

Choreography : Cécile Loyer
Dancers : Vijna Vasudevan, Renjith Babu, Mai Ishiwata, Steven Hervouet
Music : Sylvain Chauveau

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